
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Miracle is Born

I am finally getting around to posting about Brayden's birth. It was such an amazing emotional experience.  For those of you that know us, you know that this was such a blessing and an answer to many prayers. We feel so incredibly blessed to be Brayden's parents.

When I woke up that morning (Friday January 6th, 2012) I thought it was just going to be another normal day. I was ending my first week of being off work and anxiously awaiting the arrival of our sweet little miracle. I was two weeks away from his estimated date of arrival and I still had plenty to do to get ready for him. My bag was not packed, his clothes were just about all washed and put away and I still had some decorating left to finish in his room. I of course wanted everything to be perfect. I woke up just before 8 in the morning and felt something that could have possibly been my water breaking but I really was not sure as it was not very much. I did not feel any contractions so I thought that maybe I just peed a little because lets be honest it happens especially at this time in pregnancy. I waited a while and I felt that feeling again and again. I thought at this point I better call the doctor just to see what they thought. They were concerned and wanted to see me right away so I hurried and got myself somewhat put together and then called Jeff and told him he needed to come home and that we needed to get to the doctors office. At this point I was starting to feel some very light contractions and some cramping but nothing painful at all. We arrived at the doctor around 10am and got right in. I was seeing  a midwife because my doctor was not available at the time. She immediately wanted to do an exam to see what was going on and just as we thought, my water was breaking and did so right then and there. Her next words were "Oh Yes, It's Baby Day". She then told me I was already 3cm dilated. I was shocked, he was definitely coming. We were told we needed to go right to the hospital, she would call and let them know that we were on our way. I could not believe that we were about to have a baby. We hurried to the hospital, calling our parents on the way. We arrived at the hospital at 10:30 and they quickly got us into a room and hooked up to monitors. At this point I was having some contractions but they were not really painful, yet. For me, the time seemed to be flying by. Our parents had all arrived and were all anxiously waiting on this little boy.The doctor examined me shortly after being admitted and he said I was still at 3cm and that he was very low. I still was not contracting very much so he said that I might need Pitocin but he would wait and see how things went. Well, within a couple hours I was definitely starting feel the contractions and they were painful. No Pitocin needed, they were coming strong and very close together. I went from 3cm to 7cm within just a few hours at the the most. Did I mention that I had yet to get my epidural yet?  When I found out that I was at 7 I requested the epidural and they hurried things right along because of how fast everything was moving, things got a little chaotic for a while. I was in so much pain but somehow managed to handle it a lot longer than I EVER thought I would. By the time the epidural was in place I kept telling my nurse that I really needed to push. They kept telling me that I should not have push yet but checked me anyway and I was 9.5cm. They could not believe how fast everything was going and neither could we. This precious baby was coming fast. I only pushed for about a half an hour to 45 minutes at the most and he was out. It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. We waited a long time for him and he is finally here.

My sweet baby boy...Brayden Thomas
January 6th 2012
7lbs 9oz @ 7:51pm

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