
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Brayden {8 Months}

I seriously can't believe my baby is 8 months old already (well actually he is 8.5 months now). This year is just flying by. Last year at this time we had just found out that our little miracle was a sweet baby boy. We were busy planning our registry, making countless trips to baby stores, & designing/planning the nursery. I just loved preparing for his arrival. It is so hard to believe that in just 4 short & busy months he will be ONE. I have already been getting ideas for his first big birthday. Anyway...not to much has really changed from last month. He is just getting better at doing things and faster too. I know that he will be walking soon. He has started to walk along the couch, window, coffee table, etc much faster & he is pretty much standing up to anything that will hold him (walls, doors, toys, chairs). Brayden also got his first pairs of shoes recently. I never really saw the need to put shoes on him until now. He wants to walk so bad especially outside so we decided that instead of him scrapping up his cute little toes outside on the concrete that shoes might be a good idea. Plus, they look SUPER cute on him:)

Playing with anything that is not actually a toy.
LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse...although we have been turning it on for a while now he really likes it and turns his head towards the TV when he hears the music play.
Eating Puffs & using his big boy sippy cup. He is picking them up and getting them into his mouth perfectly and is getting better and better at using the sippy cup. He really enjoys his juice or water.
Standing at the window and looking outside.

Making noises banging with his hands or using a toy. He has also become very vocal and talks all the time.
Getting his diaper changed & clothes on for that matter, I do not look forward to this time at all. It is almost impossible. That is why most days he may spend a good portion of the day in just a diaper. Its just not worth it at this point.
Being put in his infant car seat. We are thinking that it might be about time to switch him to a big boy car seat really soon. I think he may like that much better.

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