
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

A day in our life...

Our days around here typically always start out just about the same. I have seen some other mamas documenting there typical day so I thought it might be fun to capture a typical day of ours as well, mostly in pictures. I think it might be fun to look back on what our typical days were like at this time. I kinda wish I would have done it sooner.
(Pictures taken over a couple days because some days are better picture days than other around here.)

This is a look into our typical day with Brayden at 16 months old. This is a day that mommy does not have to work at night and we are just enjoying the day with nothing to exciting on our agenda.

6:30-7:00 A.M. Wake-up
The first half hour or so usually consists of snuggle time either on the couch or in mamas bed watching TV (Chuggington or Mickey Mouse usually) all while enjoying a cup of milk. 
This is one of mamas favorite times of day. I love starting the day off with snuggles and hugs from my little cutie.

7:30-8:30 A.M Play time and Breakfast
After he has had his milk and snuggles we usually do a quick diaper change then he usually runs off to play with some toys. He almost always goes right for his cars or bag of blocks. He LOVES his cars. After a little play time I usually get something for us for breakfast. Today was bananas with scrambled eggs. 
Mama usually uses this time to maybe start some laundry or put dishes away but more than likely before I do that I enjoy a cup of coffee while sitting on the couch to catch up on FB and IG and blog reading. 

8:30-10:30 or 11 A.M Playtime for Brayden House chores for Mama
Now that spring is finally here we are using this time before nap to play outside and go for walks as well. I do try and get things I need to get done now so I can have plenty of time to play later in the day.

We usually save Thomas movies for later in the afternoon but occasionally he gets to watch one in the morning. Just depends on how the morning is going, what the weather is like and if  I
really need to get some things done.

11:00-1:00 P.M Nap Time
Mama loves nap time and usually spends this time catching up on a few of my shows or spending time on pinterest, Facebook and blogging most likely.

1:00-1:30 P.M lunch time
We usually wait to do lunch until after nap time. It just works best for us that way since he has a snack of some sort before he goes down.

1:30-3:00 Playtime
After lunch Brayden is usually in a pretty good mood and is anxious to get out of his chair and play. So, I usually clean up from lunch while he plays and then join him when I am done. Daddy is home from work by 3 at the latest so we are both excited to see him. We usually look out his window or now that its nicer out we sit outside in the front yard for him to get home.

3:00-5:00 PM Run errands or just relax
Most days we use this time once daddy is home to run some errands, go to a park or just play outside at home.

5:00-6:00 PM Dinner
Somewhere around 5 we head inside to get dinner started and rest a bit before we eat. This time is usually when Brayden gets to watch Thomas. Yes I use the TV to bribe my kid so I can actually cook a meal. There are some things you just got to do.

6:00-7:00 or 7:15 PM Outside playtime (weather permitting)
Brayden usually has some energy he needs to get rid of before bath and bedtime so we play a lot after dinner. Walks and a little exploring outside are among our favorite things to do nowadays. 

7:15-7:30 PM Bath Time
Daddy normally does the bath time routine but I will join in if its a night I don't have to work. 
Bath time usually goes one of two ways around here... 1 he gets in and plays till his hands and feet are all wrinkly and the water is non longer warm or 2 or he wants absolutely nothing to do with it and the whole bath takes less than 30 seconds. 

7:30-8:00 PM Bedtime
This is another favorite time of our day, filled with lots of snuggles. We rock him just a bit before finally laying him in bed where he crawls right up on his pillow with his blankie in hand and falls asleep.

Now its time for Mama and Dada to clean up the house and finish any dishes that may still need to be done. The nice weather allows us to sit outside and relax a bit before finally calling it a night. We usually are in bed by 10 at the latest. Dada has to work early and Mama will be up with little man shortly after that.


  1. This was a fun post!! I need to do ones like this, so that I can always remember the little things we do on a day-to-day basis!! :)

    1. It was a fun post to do and I hope to do more every so often. You should definitely do one!


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