
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sweet Summer Time

To say our summer has started out great would be an understatement. Having a kid makes all the little things of summer so much more fun and exciting. Mama and Dada are having fun acting like kids and making it even more fun for our crazy kid. We have been making stops at all the parks in town, enjoying walks, chalking up the driveway and taking blowing bubbles to a whole new level. We are definitely soaking up every bit of sunshine that we can these days.

We have yet to make it to the public splash park that just opened up here in town but we have been making good use of our own pool right in our own backyard.

We finally got a climbing toy for the yard thanks to Grandma and Grampy. Its so nice to have something in the yard to entertain him with. He loves the slide on it and he actually may spend most of his time opening and closing the little door.

I had different thoughts on whether to get a sandbox or not but I am so glad my mother-in-law ran with idea I heard about for a small one. It is messy and there is sand all over the place, but HE LOVES IT. To me, it is worth the mess. I suppose I could keep it someplace other than on our deck or in the driveway but that is where we spend the most time.

I am not sure who gets more excited when I mention chalk. Mama has greatly enjoyed doodling around with chalk. He enjoys making marks on the driveway but is really entertained by just caring around as many pieces as he can.

We go on walks on a daily basis. Some are short, and some are much longer. One of his favorite things to do is take the dog for a walk. He would do this all day if I let him. Sometimes I am not sure who is actually walking who, lol!

Going to parks is something that Brayden and Daddy do a lot of when Mommy has to be at work. The slides are his favorite and playing with the wood chips. We have a park that is very close to our home but it has been under construction since the summer started. We are pretty bummed about this but are anxiously awaiting for it to reopen again.

Toddler Summer Fun Ideas that we enjoy!
Sand box
Local Farm/Petting Zoo


  1. Can't wait until we're at the chalking age, love some sidewalk doodles! Your little man is adorable :)


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