
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brayden {21 Months}

It has been 3 months since I last did a monthly update on Brayden. I had decided at 18 months that I would go to every other month until he was 2. Well, with going on vacation last month and then being busy here I slacked on the 20 month post so we will just go with a 21 month update instead.

My baby boy turned 21 months old on Sunday. I am seriously amazed at how fast the time is flying. He is going to be 2 in just 3 short months, how did that happen? My baby is growing up so fast I can't hardly stand it. He will forever be my baby in my eyes but he is turning into such a BIG boy. He is such a "boy", wanting to make huge messes, being loud and rough and of course getting dirty.
 Brayden has expanded his vocabulary more than I ever thought possible at just 21 months. He says so much and repeats pretty much anything we ask him to say. We can usually understand what he is saying almost always.
 Believe it or not we are actually thinking of potty training in the very near future. I think he just may be ready for that step. More on that topic to come a bit later.
I knew that the time would soon come when we would be dealing with tantrums and he is definitely testing his boundaries and our patience. If he does not like something we have said to him he will protest by throwing himself down on the floor flat on his belly. I always find myself trying not to laugh because its so cute.
Brayden has an ever growing love for Thomas the Train and has acquired several wooden trains thanks to Grandma and Grampy. I see a train table in our near future. I am pretty sure his 2nd Birthday will have a Thomas theme for sure.

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