
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Brayden {2.5+ years}

I haven't done an update on Brayden since he turned 2 over 9 months ago. So, I figured it was about time I sit down and talk about what this crazy energetic and independent little man is up to these days. I've been really awful lately at updating this here blog. I have so much to talk about and several drafts started just waiting to be finished and published. Brayden is my number one priority and always will be so blogging about life has to happen when time and energy allow.
Brayden's Stats at 2.5 years old (I was a little behind in his 2 year well baby check)

Brayden is growing up at record speed and as usual I think I just might be about 10 steps behind him most of the time. Seriously, how is he just 4 months away from turning 3? It just can't be possible. He is such a sweet, energetic, independent crazy handsome little boy. He loves to sing while he plays, enjoys making us laugh and is ALL.BOY! Being loud, making extreme messes, being rough and tough is what Brayden is all about. His vocabulary is out of this world and his speech is so clear. He loves to be Mama's little helper to which really brings out his independent side. He wants to do EVERYTHING by himself and he lets me know it if I have done something he wanted to do.

Favorite TV Shows/Movies
We are still huge fans of Disney Jr over here but he has added in a few new ones into the mix as well.
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse & The Great Clubhouse Hunt (All time favorite show)
Thomas & Friends
Super WHY
Daniel Tiger
Leap Frog

Favorite Activities
Brayden LOVES doing puzzles and is so quick in putting them together. We started out with the age appropriate puzzles but he quickly became bored with them and was putting them together in a blink of an eye.

We then came across some really nice 24 piece puzzles with his favorite Disney characters on them to give him a little more of a challenge. They really are not difficult for him to do at all and has them together within a couple minutes tops.
He's a little smarty pants!

While browsing the puzzle section at Target I came across this puzzle of a Barnyard by Crocodile Creek. Not only did I fall in love with the beautiful picture of this puzzle but I thought it would be perfect for Brayden and a little challenging for him as well.
No joke...this kid puts this 48 piece puzzle together
 {Coloring & Other Arts & Crafts}
Coloring is still a huge activity we really enjoy doing on an almost daily basis. We've recently tried water paints and he also loves cutting paper into as many pieces as possible (supervised with safety scissors).

{Alphabet, Numbers, Shapes and Colors}
Shorty after Brayden's 2nd Birthday he had his colors and shapes pretty much mastered. By the time he was 2.5 he could count to 10 and could sing his alphabet from start to finish.  Not only could he say both his numbers and letters he also recognizes them in any order. With just under 4 months until his 3rd birthday he can now count to 20 and wants to trace over letters. I have one smart cookie, I am blown away at the knowledge he has at just 2.5 years old. I am one proud mama. 

We spent most of our summer evenings sitting in the driveway using chalk. It was probably one of our favorite outside activities to do. Brayden always gives me strict demanding instructions on what to draw or write. Shapes, numbers and the alphabet are always the first things he asks for.

We officially turned his crib into a toddler bed about a month or so ago. He is super excited about his bed and talks about it often through out the day but we have just one problem...he won't actually sleep in it. Its definitely a work in progress.
Potty training has been in progress for probably a year now. (Potty training post to come soon) We introduced him to the potty just before he turned 2 and has shown an interest in it ever since. It has not always gone smoothly but he officially goes most of the day(and outings) with just undies on now and goes pee on the potty all by himself (standing up). He loves being able to go by himself and is so proud. He still wears a diaper to nap and at bedtime but we are working on it. Going #2 on the potty is a completely different story. He pretty much refuses to go so at this point I do what I can to encourage him to use the potty but I don't force him because then he just freaks out and doesn't want anything to do with the potty. I didn't force going pee on the potty so I don't intend to do that with #2 either. When he is ready he will do it. It has worked for us this way so I am sticking with it. At the end of the day we are buying less diapers and having less accidents so I say that's progress and I am very happy with that.

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